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Convert iOS 5.1.1 Thethered Jailbreak to Untethered Using Rocky Racoon 5.1.1

Convert iOS 5.1.1 Thethered Jailbreak to Untethered Using Rocky Racoon 5.1.1 All jailbreakers in the world breathed a sigh of relief as Absinthe 2.0 update brought untethered jailbreak for almost all iOS 5.1.1 devices, including the A5 iPhone 4S and iPad 2, and A5X new iPad 3. However some devices including A4 devices already had a tethered jailbreak for iOS 5.1.1. Chronic Dev Team has released the Rocky Racoon 5.1.1 Untether package in...

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How to Bring Back Windows 7 Start Button to Windows 8 Consumer Preview?

How to Bring Back Windows 7 Start Button to Windows 8 Consumer Preview? Microsoft ditched the start button orb in their next iteration Windows operating system, Windows 8 Consumer Preview, that was released last week. For those who suffered from the great loss, fortunately, there is a solution to get back the traditional Windows 7 Start menu. Thanks for Gupta from Askvg fro providing this solution: Download ViStart – this is a free...

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Untethered iOS 5.0.1 Jailbreak Finally Released

fsdfsd Untethered 5.0.1 jailbreak for non-A5 devices is now up. I’ll be putting a How to tutorial soon. Many of you have already been following @pod2g’s blog where he’s been keeping everyone up to date on his progress.  A few days ago, @pod2g gave the untether to both the iPhone devteam and the chronic devteam.  The teams put it into redsn0w 0.9.10 and PwnageTool, and the chronic devteam put it into a Cydia package...

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Spire: First Legal Siri Port for All Jailbroken iOS 5 Devices Available Now

Siri Grant Paul a.k.a chpwn and Ryan Petrich have released a legal working Siri port for older jailbroken iOS devices. The tool known as “Spire” and can be installed freely via Cydia. Its not the first and not prefect but all you need is to get access to an iPhone 4S and your own proxy to get the port working. Is been a month since the first Siri protocol cracked and put in the public. Grant Paul said on his blog: Spire is my...

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Install Siri Dictation on iPhone 4, iPhone 3GS and iPod Touch 4G

Siri Dictation Since the debut of Siri virtual assistance alongside the iPhone 4S, hackers have been trying hardly to port the feature to older iDevices. There are no hardware limitations but the only concern still that the service needs to connect to Apple servers to get it working. Siri’s dictation feature has now been made publicly available in Cydia for the iPhone 4, 3GS, Touch 4G and it actually works. Developer Eric Day has...

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Siri Protocol Cracked

Siri It seems the guys over at Applidium have managed to get Siri’s protocol cracked, this actually opens the door to all sorts of possibilities letting Siri to, potentially, be ported to various apps and devices including iPad, Android devices or other third-party apps. Apple has already gone into some detail of how Siri works. Basically it works by communicating with Apple’s remote servers, the speech you feed you iPhone 4S...

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