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Facebook For iPad Has Arrived [Updated]

The entire world has been patiently awaiting the arrival of a Facebook iPad app. This however is just about to change. As discovered by some folks on Twitter and confirmed by TechCrunch, the new Facebook iPad app is ready and actually already out there. Indeed, Facebook did develop the app and placed it inside its code already, but hasn’t simply activated it. Just a few lines of code to change can however make it happen. Hidden in...

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Jailbreak iOS 5 Beta 4 On iPhone 4, 3GS, iPad, iPod touch Using Redsn0w 0.9.8

The just-released iOS 5 beta 4 can be Jailbroken using the redsn0w tools which were updated for the new release. The guide and download links are below. iOS 5 is in beta and should only be used by developers to test apps in the new iOS. It should also be noted that if you jailbreak your device on iOS 5, you wont get OTA updates from Apple, as explained by MuscleNerd of iPhone Dev-Team: The 5.0b4 OTA update won’t work on JB devices...

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Install OS X Lion Final Release Over Lion GM Guide

If you are running the Mac OS X Lion GM build and you want to buy and install the Final release of Lion through the Mac App Store, you’ve noticed that you’ll get that’s already “installed” App Store. To work around you just need to hold Option and click on the Install button to be able to install the final release over GM. You can also do this through the “Purchases” tab in the Mac App Store,...

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Google Announces ‘Cosmic Panda’, New YouTube Design Experience

Google’s designers have been busy yet generous with subsequent visual updates to Google Search, Gmail, Google+ and other Google products and services. YouTube is no exception and has got its new redesign as well, codenamed Cosmic Panda, and you can try it right away. As announced by Google official blog the new design comes to fulfill what exactly the viewers are looking for: With nearly 8 years of video uploaded and 3 billion...

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JailbreakMe 3.0 Has Surpassed the 2 Million Downloads Mark

After 5 days since releasing the JailbreakMe 3.0 tool, iOS jailbreak developer @Chpwn comes to announce that more than 2 Million iOS devices are jailbroken using JailbreakMe 3.0. That include iPad 2 which mark the first time ever to get a jailbreak solution of any kind. iPad 2 added to iPhone 4, iPhone 3GS, iPad 1, iPod Touch 3G and iPod Touch 4G are all capable of getting punked by JailbreakMe 3.0 the easiest and quickest jailbreak tool...

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Swype For iPhone, iPad Now Available in Cydia, Lets You Type Without Lifting Your Finger

For those οn thе Android platform аrе probably familiar οf Swype, a tweak thаt lets users type οn thеіr virtual keyboards without еνеr lifting thеіr fingers, bу simply quickly swiping thеіr finger асrοѕѕ thе keyboard over аnу letter іn order tο form a word, аnԁ οnƖу thеn releasing іt. This tweak hаѕ now bееn...

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