HP Chairman is a MAC User A few days ago, Retures published an interview with HP executive chairman Ray Lane where he, as the photo above shows, was busy using a Mac. This is not the first time for Apple competitors caught using MAC devices in the public. Another example for such thing, during a Microsoft Store opening in McLean, Virginia. As noted by CultofMac, the DJ brought to entertain the crowd was using a MacBook Pro cover by...
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New Samsung Ad Bashes iPhone Fans

New Samsung Ad Bashes iPhone Fans Samsung has dropped a new ad for their Galaxy SII touting the device larger screen and 4G speeds and bashing Apple fans who stand in line for the latest iPhone for days without knowing there is something better. So this is Samsung’s way to counter the incredible popularity of the iPhone. Watch the ad...
Read MoreIt’s Just Getting Ridiculous, Samsung?!

Samsung caught again copying Apple Official Samsung website for Galaxy Player 50 has a slightly modified version of the Apple iOS Maps app, directly taken from a 2008 screenshot of iPhone Maps app. Apparently, Samsung doesn’t know (or care) that although the Apple’s Maps app uses Google maps data, the user interface is designed and copyrighted by Apple since 2007. Check out Samsung’s 2011 knockoff at:...
Read MoreContagion Movie Innovative Time Lapse Billboard Made of Bacteria

So innovative and unique! A cool viral marketing for the upcoming Steven Soderbergh‘s Contagion movie. A real life cool billboard made of Bacteria and fungi. Check out the video below from Warner Bros....
Read MoreMicrosoft is Square, Apple is Roundrect, Nokia is Squircle, Google is…?

Clayton Miller’s Interuserface takes a look at the iconic shapes behind today’s biggest mobile companies, and while Apple, iPhone, and iPad are obviously roundrects (rounded rectangles), their competition is just as geometrically aligned: Microsoft’s Metro UI owns the square. Apple has a corner on the roundrect, from the Springboard launcher to the iPhone hardware itself. Nokia, despite its late entry with...
Read MoreNuance Might Have Exposed The iPhone 5 Beans

Interesting screenshots from Nuance’s new SpeechTrans Ultimate App. Nuance is widely believed to be working deeply with Apple on their speech recognition technology so maybe they know something. Or maybe they just pasted screenshots that were too big on their ...
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