Artist Mike Vasilev has created an infographic for Mashable that highlights the major Apple product releases and design changes from 1976 through...
Read MoreArtist Mike Vasilev has created an infographic for Mashable that highlights the major Apple product releases and design changes from 1976 through...
Read MoreThe App Store has apparently crossed 500,000 app approvals in two years and ten months since its inception. The news came from Chomp, 148apps and EA-owned games publisher Chillingo. They posted an awesome infographic which you can see below. According to Fortune’s Philip Elmer-DeWitt: Sometime after midnight Tuesday morning, the iTunes team pushed through a batch of app submissions that sent the total over a six-figure ...
Read MoreIn the online world there’s a transition from hyper-transparency, real identity all the way to obfuscation, anonymity. The poles are represented by Facebook and 4Chan. In this infographic, we take a look at these opposing philosophies and some of the space in between. Are you who you say you are? [via...
Read MoreHere are some of the key findings from “The Mobile Movement: Understanding Smartphone Users,†a study from Google and conducted by Ipsos OTX, an independent market research firm, among 5,013 US adult smartphone Internet users at the end of 2010: 71% of smartphone users search because of an ad they’ve seen either online or offline; 82% of smartphone users notice mobile ads, 74% of smartphone shoppers make a...
Read MoreHere’s a very nice comparison table with international prices for iPad 2. Best deals are in the USA and Australia. The highest prices are in Norway and Sweden. Take a...
Read MoreAfter all the rumors on the iPhone 5, a French site NowhereElse has created a wonderful infographic of all the iPhone 5 rumors that we’ve seen over the period of last few months. All the rumors have different probability gauges of each one next to them. Here’s the complete infographic of all the iPhone 5 rumors: + Download Full Size Image...
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