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JailbreakMe 3.0 For iPad 2 Jailbreak Might Be Released Today

It turns out we will have un-ended stories regarding the upcoming iPad 2 Jailbreak. An email image spotted showing a conversation between Comex and MultiMediaWill, the one who previously leaked the iPad 2 jailbreak files. MultiMediaWill email to Comex: I don’t know if you got my tweets but I am truly sorry for the leak and If I knew it would turn out like this I wouldn’t have leaked it. I was so happy when I got the PDF...

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The Real Story Behind The iPad 2 Jailbreak Leak

Most of you know by now that Comex’s long-awaited iPad 2 jailbreak was leaked. As the hacker was putting the finishing touches on JailbreakMe 3.0, the PDF exploit was leaked to the world. Someone publicly posted the new JailbreakMe files, and the links spread around the web like wildfire. The original dramatic story heard was that a trusted beta tester leaked the files. That would have meant Comex was betrayed by someone he trusted,...

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iPad 2 Jailbreak on iOS 4.3.3 Using JailbreakMe 3.0 Now Available [Updated]

NOTE: Please, remember this is not recommended for anyone, take it at your own risk The news came in a video that recently hit the Web. The PDF file in question, which appears to have leaked from a JailbreakMe beta tester, is currently circulating online, and we’ve included a link to it below if you’re interested in taking the solution for a spin. Remember, first, that this is not the final release – so proceed...

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iPhone and PS3 Hacker George Hots ‘GeoHot’ Now Works For Facebook

Hacker George Hotz ‘GeoHot’, who recently settled a lawsuit with Sony for publishing a PlayStation 3 crack online, now works for Facebook. His exact position with the company is unclear, but he may be on a the development team tasked with building the social network’s new Pad app. Geohot reportedly started working for Facebook last month but the announcement was made on 17th June only to be discovered...

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iOS 5 Beta 2 Jailbreak Using Redsn0w Guide

According to MuscleNerd of the iPhone Dev-Team, the just-released iOS 5 beta 2 can be Jailbroken using the same redsn0w tools used to jailbreak the first beta. Guide and download links are below. 5.0b2 can be jailbroken w/redsn0w from 2 wks ago (must point redsn0w at 5.0b1 IPSW)..devs ONLY please A step by step guide on how to jailbreak iOS 5 beta tethered using Redsn0w 0.9.8 (Mac & Win) Download iOS 5 Beta...

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Cydia Tweak Brings Lock Screen Camera Button to iOS 4

As we await the launch of iOS 5, jailbreak developer Filippo Bigarella provides us with a taste of the goodies we’ll be getting our hands on this fall. CameraLock — a great tweak that introduces a camera button to your lock screen. The button introduced by CameraLock is customizable, so you can modify its functionality to suit you. You can launch a third-party app instead of the built-in camera. How to install? In Cydia...

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