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iOS 5 Beta 1 Expires on August 4th

If you installed iOS 5 beta 1 on your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch, It’s good to know that beta 1 has a time-bomb and is going to expire on August 4th. This won’t be an issue for developers or those with proper access to the newest beta releases from iOS Dev Center as they can upgrade to the newest betas as they become available from Apple. This leaves those who had a friend activate their UDID or who used the VoiceOver tweak...

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iOS 5 Untethered Jailbreak on iPhone 3GS (Old Bootrom) Using Sn0wbreeze 2.8 Guide

iPhone developer @ih8sn0w has just released an updated version of Sn0wbreeze 2.8 for iOS 5 beta 1 jailbreak. This new version of Sn0wbreeze adds support for untethered iOS 5 jailbreak on iPhone 3GS, old bootrom. You can follow our detailed guide posted here. iOS 5 is currently in Beta and available to registered developers only or registered devices. Apple will launch final version of iOS 5 to public this Fall. Required...

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How To Downgrade From iOS 5 To iOS 4.X Guide

Well you had to do it didn’t you. You just had to taste that infamous iOS 5 beta and now you have been cast from many stuff you used to in the previous version, don’t worry! We are here to help bring you back from the abyss! Prerequisites: The IPSW of choice (I would recommend 4.3.3) as no need to roll back further. Just make sure you have your SHSH stored with Cydia if you choose to go older then 4.3.3). TinyUmbrella. Just...

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iOS 5 Tethered Jailbreak Using Sn0wbreeze 2.8 Guide

Sn0wbreeze 2.8 beta 2 (a.k.a PwnageTool for Windows) brings tethered jailbreak for iOS 5 on iPhone 4, iPhone 3GS (New Bootrom), iPod Touch 4G, iPod touch 3G, & iPad 1. It brings Untethered jailbreak for iPhone 3GS (Old Bootrom). A step by step guide on how to jailbreak iOS 5 Beta tethered using Sn0wbreeze 2.8 (Windows) Notes: For Redsn0w you can follow our guide posted here (Redsn0w 0.9.8) to get tethered jailbreak iOS 5. For...

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JailbreakMe 3.0 For iPad 2 Jailbreak is Imminent?

iPad 2 is the only device left without jailbreak or accurately Apple’s A5 processor-based architecture in iPad 2 and later iPhone 4S/5 seems a hard puzzle to solve. The Limera1n exploit, which worked on A4-based iOS devices like iPod touch 4G and iPhone 4, is hardware-based and, since iPad 2 is A5-based, the exploit doesn’t work on it. And so the community has to find an all-new exploit this time around. iPhone hacker Comex...

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Nuance Voice Technology Baked into iOS 5

In the days leading up to WWDC 2011, Nuance integration got enough speculations for a possible presence in Apples iOS 5. Now Developer and Hacker Chronic seems to have got his hands on iOS 5 build with internal settings — hidden from public, as he tweeted a series of screenshots for what might be settings for testing and troubleshooting. Some of these screenshots show what looks like Nuance voice recognition baked into the iOS. The...

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