Here’s the list of NEW SEVEN WONDERS OF THE WORLD as they were announced: 1.) The Great Wall Of China, CHINA. 2.) Petra, JORDAN. 3.) The Statue Of Christ Redeemer, BRAZIL. 4.) Machu Picchu, PERU. 5.) The Pyramid Of Chichén Itzá, MEXICO. 6.) The Roman Colloseum, ITALY. 7.) The Taj Mahal, INDIA. Here’s the list of OLD SEVEN WONDERS OF THE WORLD: 1.) Lighthouse of Alexandria 2.) Temple of Artemis 3.) Statue of...
Read MoreWorld’s Biggest Mansaf
In attempt to enter Guinness Book of Records. The biggest Jordanian mansaf (traditional meal) is being prepared by a group of Jordanians to be included in the new edition of Guinness Book of World Records. The mansaf is a Jordanian traditional meal usually served in large round plates at public occasions such as wedding parties, festivals and celebrities where a large number of people are invited to the meal. Its main components are...
Read MoreSNOWY Moments in Ibbin
When: Thursday, Mar 15th 2007, starting at 7:38am Where: Ibbin village, Governorate of Ajloun, JORDAN What: I was testimg my camera, and I was so pleased to be off-work that day, so the time was to take some cool pix all around of me. But the weather was so cold and hence I had to take these snapshots through the windows directly. Click on any of these to see the full-sized...
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