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Filesonic, Fileserve Pull File Sharing Services Following Megaupload Arrests

Filesonic, Fileserve Pull File Sharing Services Following Megaupload Arrests It didn’t take so long after the FBI shut down and arrested its staff, competitors and have made the decision to get rid of all file-sharing functionality from their own services. All these websites offer users the ability to upload any kind of file to the websites for their own personal storage, but also share a...

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Android, BlackBerry and Nokia Log Everything You Do

Android logo Security researchers have discovered that iPhone running iOS 4 were storing a cache of data on which GPS locations that handset had visited in an unencrypted file, it was dubbed LocationGate and later the whole debacle was just a bug but Apple has to testify in front of the Senate about the matter Following the incident, one user sent an email to Apple asking for answers. If he didn’t get them soon, he said,...

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Doom 3 Source Code Released to the Public

After a slight legal setback, id finally released Doom 3‘s source code to the general public. Doom 3 The legal issue involved a piece of technology incorporated in the game called ‘Carmack’s Reverse‘, a stencil shadowing technique in Doom 3. The problem was that it wasn’t developed by Carmack alone, but rather a lot of programmers and as a result ended up patented by Creative Labs. A deal was worked out that...

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It’s Just Getting Ridiculous, Samsung?!

Samsung caught again copying Apple Official Samsung website for Galaxy Player 50 has a slightly modified version of the Apple iOS Maps app, directly taken from a 2008 screenshot of iPhone Maps app. Apparently, Samsung doesn’t know (or care) that although the Apple’s Maps app uses Google maps data, the user interface is designed and copyrighted by Apple since 2007. Check out Samsung’s 2011 knockoff at:...

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LulzSec Hacks Into The Sun With Murdoch Death Notice

Hacker group LulzSec has just hacked into one of Rupert Murdoch‘s paper’s websites, putting the mogul’s death-by-palladium note on The Sun page. The group announced the hack with a tweet, saying: We have joy we have fun we will mess up Murdoch’s Sun: | Hi Rupert! Have fun tomorrow at the Parliament! #AntiSec Murdoch‘s papers of course, and several of his lieutenants have been implicated...

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iPhone and PS3 Hacker GeoHot Spotted at iOSDevCamp

George Hotz, the famous iPhone and PS3 hacker, who was the first to unlock iPhone back in 2007, was spotted at iOSDevCamp on Saturday. iOSDevCamp is an annual not-for-profit gathering to develop applications for iOS, set up to encourage collaborative development for the platform. Its currently being held at the PayPal HQ. George “Geohot” Hotz has indeed been pretty quiet these days, and we’ve all thought that he’s...

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