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An Engineering Master Piece in DUBAI

In the heart of the desert where temperatures get up to 120 degrees...

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Can we rely on this website ?!!

I found this web site amazing, it tells us some world statistics (Population, Education, Food, Energy … etc) that are updated in real time. But can we trust these information anyway ?!! Click on the screenshot to...

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Riddles X Riddles once again

Riddle #1: The poor have it The rich need it But if they were both to eat it They would surely die. Riddle #2: Turn us on our backs Open up our stomachs You will be the wisest of men Though at first a lummox. Riddle #3: It occurs once in a minute Twice in a moment But never in one hundred thousand years. Riddle #4: I have a bed, but never sleep I always run, but have no feet I have a mouth but do not speak. Riddle #5: You eat something...

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Blog about your favorite blogger DAY

On Saturday, the 27th of October, check it out here and share ur words.

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Cool Facts

Whenever I find the key to success, someone changes the lock. To Err is human, to forgive is not a COMPANY policy. The road to success??.. Is always under construction. Alcohol doesn’t solve any problems, but if you think again, neither does Milk. In order to get a Loan, you first need to prove that you don’t need it. All the desirable things in life are either illegal, expensive or fattening. Since Light travels faster than...

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Easy & Difficult !!

Easy is to forgive others, Difficult is to ask for forgiveness. Easy is to set rules, Difficult is to follow them. Easy is to dream every night, Difficult is to fight for a dream. Easy is to admire a full moon, Difficult to see the other side. Easy is to stumble with a stone, Difficult is to get up. Easy is to receive, Difficult is to give. Easy is to criticize others, Difficult is to improve oneself. Easy is to run, Difficult is to...

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