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10 things you never knew about chocolate

10. The Aztecs drunk it Chocolate was originally a cold drink whisked from cocoa beans by the Aztecs – and women were not allowed to drink it. 9. It was more valuable than gold When Cortes conquered the Aztecs in 1520, he found that cocoa beans were prized higher than gold. 8. It was named in the 17th century The word ‘chocolate’ was first recorded in English use in 1604. 7. It helped found the British Museum The British...

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The Imperial History of the Middle East

[kml_flashembed movie="" width="500" height="333" wmode="transparent" /] Who has taken over the middle-east over the course of world events? I don’t know how accurate this timeline is !! I leave it with your judgement. + Locate the source here

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Step-by-step to quit SMOKING

How To Quit Smoking With NLP & Hypnosis For Motivation There are two mental states that must be satisfied before a person will voluntarily quit smoking. These elements are called “Desire,” and “Decision.” Desire: A want, crave or a wish for Decision: Making up of one’s mind / a verdict or judgment In order to quit smoking, you have to desire to quit. You have to want to quit. You probably want to quit,...

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I’m 24

I’m so proud to be a completed 24 year-old guy , today I’ve burnt the 24th paper of my life, I used to count the 24 hours each day but it’s just the 1st time I can count to 24 years which I really lived and mastered. Today I’ve witnessed the final episode of my first season in life. I will not make the season finale wrap it up, instead, I will kick off my 1st year in my new life… in the will of Allah. + Let...

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SNOWY Moments in Ibbin

When: Thursday, Mar 15th 2007, starting at 7:38am Where: Ibbin village, Governorate of Ajloun, JORDAN What: I was testimg my camera, and I was so pleased to be off-work that day, so the time was to take some cool pix all around of me. But the weather was so cold and hence I had to take these snapshots through the windows directly. Click on any of these to see the full-sized...

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And then there were None

“And then there were none” … wait there are some curious posts waiting in the queue. Although the former statement seems weird, but I really mean it, cuz I faced terriblle problems since I decided to set up my web site for the 1st time, so I worked day-by-night until the dream came true and got it working with no bugs horsing around here or there. I made the final touches and have it all done by now. I am so glad...

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