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Samsung Takes Another Jab at Apple With New Super Bowl Advert

Samsung Galaxy Note Samsung again hit with a new Super Bowl ad featuring the 5.3-inch Galaxy Note which is a tablet and a phone. Samsung‘s ‘The Next Big Thing’ moniker started around 3 months ago bashing Apple people waiting in lines to get the new iPhone. Watch the ad for yourself below and tell us what you think? To me, I don’t think having a stylus is something...

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Android, BlackBerry and Nokia Log Everything You Do

Android logo Security researchers have discovered that iPhone running iOS 4 were storing a cache of data on which GPS locations that handset had visited in an unencrypted file, it was dubbed LocationGate and later the whole debacle was just a bug but Apple has to testify in front of the Senate about the matter Following the incident, one user sent an email to Apple asking for answers. If he didn’t get them soon, he said,...

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Try Out Windows Phone on Your iPhone or Android Right Now

Windows Phone on Your iPhone if you are eager to see how Windows Phone feels? Microsoft has just made it easy for you. They released a new HTML 5 website that allows iPhone and Android users to get a taste of the Windows Phone 7, Mango 7.5 operating system. Browse to the webpage on your mobile device to try it out right away. To enjoy full screen experience, you can save the page to your home screen by clicking on the...

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iPhone 4S Pre-Orders Hit One Million Mark in 24 Hours

iPhone 4S Pre-Orders Hit One Million Mark in 24 Hours Apple has just issued a press release which you can read in full below mentioning that they have sold one million pre-orders for the iPhone 4S in first 24 hours. This tops the previous record of 600,000 held by iPhone 4. Not to mention that AT&T has processed 200,000 preorders in the first 12 hours alone. Phil Schiller had to say in the release: We are blown away with the...

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Google and Samsung Delay Nexus Prime Launch Due to Steve Jobs Mourning

Google and Samsung announce that the Galaxy Nexus, a.k.a the Nexus Prime, will not launch at the Mobile Unpacked conference October 12 next Wednesday, as expected and teased. Google and Samsung “just felt it was the wrong time to hold a launch event, as the world continues mourning Jobs”: The decision to postpone things was made late last night at the top levels of both companies, sources said, with Jobs’ death being...

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LinkedIn Launches Updated iPhone & Android Apps, New HTML 5 Mobile Site

LinkedIn has announced a new HTML 5 optimized page for mobile browsers and updated iPhone and Android apps with 2-10X speed increases. For the first time, we’ll be providing that experience not only in our iPhone and Android applications, but also in a brand new HTML5 experience for use in any modern mobile web browser. Faster The new mobile apps are between two and ten times faster across all features, ranging from search...

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