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Apple Blows us Away with Smart Illuminated Bezel Details!

Smart bezel patents from Apple are old news, but Patently Apple has discovered some blow-away details. Put simply, Apple is proposing a bezel that doubles as a secondary display built around a printed segmented electroluminescence technology: Apple intends to use the secondary display to introduce a set of new illuminated indicators that are able morph into various controls for work and play. Illuminated gaming and productivity...

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Apple Did Not Infringe Five Nokia Patents

Nokia sued Apple in May 2010, claiming the company infringed five of Nokia’s patents. The patents cover wireless data, speech coding, security and encryption and are infringed by all Apple iPhone models shipped since the iPhone was introduced in 2007, Nokia alleged. Nokia’s statement in May 2010 about the lawsuit: Nokia has been the leading developer of many key technologies in mobile devices” said Paul Melin,...

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New iPad ‘Smart Bezel’ Patent Emerged

A patent from Apple detailing a new ‘Smart Bezel’ feature for the iPad emerged. This new bezel is said to be a touch-sensitive gesture area surrounding the iPad’s display. Now, with the iPad being rumored to lose the stationary home button, it would make sense that Apple would implement something similar to what is found in the ‘Smart Bezel’ patent. Adding credence to this Patently Apple has uncovered...

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