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Xbox One Reveal UI Demo Faked?

Xbox One Reveal UI Demo Faked? The video below is an exclusive Wired video that shows Xbox One TV integration. As noted by a NeoGAF user, Microsoft seems to have faked the Xbox One Live demo reveal and judging by the video the actual UI is choppy, slow, and not smooth the way it looked like during the reveal: User jaypah said, “Yeah, we found out shortly after the show. Apparently that wasn’t the actual episode of Price is...

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It’s Just Getting Ridiculous, Samsung?!

Samsung caught again copying Apple Official Samsung website for Galaxy Player 50 has a slightly modified version of the Apple iOS Maps app, directly taken from a 2008 screenshot of iPhone Maps app. Apparently, Samsung doesn’t know (or care) that although the Apple’s Maps app uses Google maps data, the user interface is designed and copyrighted by Apple since 2007. Check out Samsung’s 2011 knockoff at:...

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LulzSec Hacks Into The Sun With Murdoch Death Notice

Hacker group LulzSec has just hacked into one of Rupert Murdoch‘s paper’s websites, putting the mogul’s death-by-palladium note on The Sun page. The group announced the hack with a tweet, saying: We have joy we have fun we will mess up Murdoch’s Sun: | Hi Rupert! Have fun tomorrow at the Parliament! #AntiSec Murdoch‘s papers of course, and several of his lieutenants have been implicated...

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Anonymous Hacker Group Could Unleash “Literally Explosive” Material on Bohemian Grove

The hackers’ collective Anonymous may have obtained “literally explosive” information concerning Bohemian Grove, an annual gathering of power brokers from the US and Europe set to meet this week in California, which many see as an avenue through which elitists secretly manipulate world affairs. Bohemian Grove is a privately owned 2,700 acre compound in Monte Rio, California surrounded by giant old-growth redwood trees....

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Michael Bay Uses Recycled Action Sequence in Transformers 3 From ‘The Island’

Say what you will about Michael Bay, but he is a filmmaker who knows how to maximize the bang for the buck. He is often criticized for using too much product placement, which gives him millions of dollars more to play with than he would have otherwise had access to. so you can’t really blame the guy for re-using footage from one in another, more particularly the guys has used some footage from 2005 “The Island” and...

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Sony Music Japan Hacked Through SQL Injection Flaw

Another day, another attack on Sony. Just when you couldn’t imagine it getting any worse for Sony, a new attacks on the Sony Music Japan and Greece websites (,, exposing databases using SQL injection techniques. Sony has suffered from two hacks last month lead to compromising over 100 million accounts along with usernames, password, credit cards info. The good news? The database information that was...

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