Last week, the WSJ reported that Apple was experimenting with “a new way of charging” the 2012 iPhone. Of course, wireless charging isn’t a new technology though the current implementations of it have been somewhat limited. The original Palm Pre launched with an induction charger which allows users to charge their device when it is laid on a special charging mat. The disadvantages of such inductive chargers is the need for...
Read MoreApple May Show Interest in WiTricity Wireless Charging

Different sections of tongue do NOT actually detect different types of tastes!

This myth is commonly proliferated by diagrams (like the one on the right) which depict a tongue’s primary senses of taste: sourness, sweetness, bitterness, saltiness, and savoriness (umami). These pictures typically show a tongue separated into quadrants by taste, but each of its 10,000 taste buds are identical! Every one of these buds contains 50-100 specialized receptor cells, each with a specialized taste hair that sticks out...
Read MoreTop Ten Unexplained Phenomena
Science has the power to harness energy, allow human flight, help cure the sick, and explain much about the world. But as amazing and beneficial as science is, it cannot explain everything. Scientists may never know exactly how the universe began, or help to settle matters of faith. The same is true for the paranormal world. Though science can explain many strange phenomena, some mysteries remain to be solved–often because there is...
Read MoreDrink Water -> Lose Weight
Just replace some of the high calorie foods you eat with fruits, vegetables and other water dense foods that keep you just as full. We know it sounds too good to be true, but new research conducted at Pennsylavania State University suggests it is possible to lose weight by making small changes in your diet. The rationale behind eating water dense foods is that whatever you eat can go out of the system very fast. Example an apple which has...
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