Google new bar Google has rolled out a lot of redesigning work recently starting from the new black bar and Google search page new UI, YouTube, Gmail and many other products. The last addition comes as a new unified bar, as seen above, on which you have access to all Google products and services by rolling over the Logo itself. As always, these changes haven’t been rolled out to everyone yet. Google is doing a staggered rollout over...
Read MoreHow to Enable Google New Bar Right Now

Try Out Windows Phone on Your iPhone or Android Right Now

Windows Phone on Your iPhone if you are eager to see how Windows Phone feels? Microsoft has just made it easy for you. They released a new HTML 5 website that allows iPhone and Android users to get a taste of the Windows Phone 7, Mango 7.5 operating system. Browse to the webpage on your mobile device to try it out right away. To enjoy full screen experience, you can save the page to your home screen by clicking on the...
Read MoreHow to Enable the Hidden Panorama Camera Mode in iOS 5

Panorama functionality in iOS 5 After the first beta of iOS 5 was seeded to developers in June, a series of code strings suggested the company could implement a panoramic photo-taking feature in the OS, allowing users to shoot wider photos with a Panorama functionality allegedly similar to what third-party apps like 360 Panorama and Pano are already offering. As Apple kept seeding more betas and eventually released iOS 5 to the public,...
Read MoreRedsn0w 0.9.9b7 Released, The Fastest iOS 5 Jailbreak for Mac & Windows

Dev-Team pushed another update to Redsn0w jailbreak for iOS 5. The news came from @MuscleNerd as always via Twitter explaining that Redsn0w 0.9.9b7 for Windows and Mac is the fastest jailbreak solution for iOS 5. Total jailbreak time has been reduced to 80 seconds which was previously around 210 seconds. However, this will stretch the first time loading of Cydia after jailbreak, during which the stashing of applications will occur. An...
Read MoreHow To Jailbreak iOS 5 On Your iPhone 4, 3GS, iPad or iPod Touch Using Redsn0w

iOS 5 gets tethered jailbroken using Redsn0w iPhone Dev Team has released an updated version of Redsn0w jailbreak tool. The new Redsn0w 0.9.9b5 that can jailbreak iOS 5 Important Notes: Its a tethered jailbreak Supported devices: iPhone4, iPhone 3GS, iPad 1 and iPod Touch 3G and iPod Touch 4G. iPhone 4S and iPad 2 are NOT supported yet. iBooks will crash and not be working after the jailbreak. NOTE: Before you follow the below guide to...
Read MoreHow To Enable Facebook Timeline Right Now

This morning Facebook announced Timeline, a look at everything that has ever happened in your Facebook lifespan. It’s like a story book of your life. Although the feature has been announced, it is not yet available to the public – only developers can get access. Things to consider: You probably don’t want to do this unless you’re actually a developer. Expect bugs. Only you will see your timeline at first...
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