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Google Announces ‘Cosmic Panda’, New YouTube Design Experience

Google’s designers have been busy yet generous with subsequent visual updates to Google Search, Gmail, Google+ and other Google products and services. YouTube is no exception and has got its new redesign as well, codenamed Cosmic Panda, and you can try it right away. As announced by Google official blog the new design comes to fulfill what exactly the viewers are looking for: With nearly 8 years of video uploaded and 3 billion...

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Michael Bay Uses Recycled Action Sequence in Transformers 3 From ‘The Island’

Say what you will about Michael Bay, but he is a filmmaker who knows how to maximize the bang for the buck. He is often criticized for using too much product placement, which gives him millions of dollars more to play with than he would have otherwise had access to. so you can’t really blame the guy for re-using footage from one in another, more particularly the guys has used some footage from 2005 “The Island” and...

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Samsung’s Galaxy Tab 10.1 Ad Pranks iPad’s lack of Flash Support

Samsung has released an Ad for its new Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 and again, like all rivals nothing but mocking the iPad for its lack of Flash support. Watch it...

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Steve Jobs Was Using iCloud in 1997

Here is an interesting description of the iCloud as Apple‘s Steve Jobs describes his personal computing environment at the time— back in 1997. Watch WWDC ’97 keynote below: fast forward to 00:14:00 if you wish. “I have computers at Apple, at NeXT, at Pixar and at home. I walk up to any of them and log in as myself, it goes over the network and finds my home directory on the server and… I’ve got my...

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In Waiting for iOS 5, What If iPad was that Magical

The magician and performance artist Simon Pierro has his own taste of iOS 5 and while he is not really showing us a “beta version of the upcoming iOS 5, but he really shows magical demo after all. Check the awesome video below: Take a look, and let us know your thoughts in the comments and what you expect Apple to unveil...

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Stream YouTube Videos Faster on iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad with TCP Optimizer Cydia Hack

TCP Optimizer is a new and free Cydia tweak that modifies your iDevice’s settings to increase streaming speeds and improve its overall internet connection, including Wi-Fi. How To install TCP Optimizer: You must have a jailbroken iDevice Add repository to Cydia. Search for and install ‘TCP Optimizer‘. No Restart needed. This actually will: Increase theTCP Receive Buffer from 131072 to...

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