
I’m so proud to be a completed 24 year-old guy , today I’ve burnt the 24th paper of my life, I used to count the 24 hours each day but it’s just the 1st time I can count to 24 years which I really lived and mastered. Today I’ve witnessed the final episode of my first season in life. I will not make the season finale wrap it up, instead, I will kick off my 1st year in my new life… in the will of Allah.

+ Let me start with my Banner, I’ve retouched and improved it a little bit:


Old Banner


New Banner

+ Now it reflects my true potential.

12 Responses to “I’m 24”

  1. Cool blog, I love the new banner and the theme :).

    OK, so you asked about a suggestion for your blog ,or not? donno, I am going to give you my opinion anyways 🙂

    How about some personal posts or stories? Personal points of view or experiences. Makes it more original

  2. Happy Birth day … 3kbal el 100 saneeh …
    about the banner .. it looks much beter

  3. thank you, I’m always looking forward to hear your opinions!

  4. 7aki Fadi; thank you for passing by .. I’m really exerting my maximum efforts to write something more personal and more special
    It seems like I cannot express my views clearly .. maybe I try in near future !!

  5. Happy birth day 2 u ~~~~~~ atcha atcha atcha

    notice : ur age decreased 1 year

  6. i agree with “7aki Fadi” that you need to express your ideas your way; i think that you can do that but you just need to believe in ur skills and yourself more than you do.

  7. ibrahimmbi; I believe in my skills, otherwise I wouldn’t make the blog at all

  8. a7mad; you said “notice : ur age decreased 1 year”
    It’s clear that 23 becomes 24 .. and so my age has increased by one (not decreased) LOL
    Make sure, sooner, your remaining-life-counter will be decreased by 1 year as well ( your horoscope is Taurus…atcha atcha atcha )

  9. I said more than you do ..

  10. sorry man, I’ve not got it, here are some alternatives:

    1. I said more than you do ..
    2. I said more than I do ..
    3. You said more than you do ..
    4. You said more than I do ..

    more explanation plz 🙁

  11. 4; Four is the answer funny man

  12. yes, I got it .. you said “more than youyou=Ido“. LOL