Google is rolling out its social network, Google+, to the masses, and as the service currently invite-only, we have a bunch of invites to give away.
How to get invited?
Important Note: Google seems to be shutting down the chance for getting invites .. however until we find another back door or workaround to send invites or Google opens up the invitation again … sorry guys
follow the easy simple steps below:
- Follow @iGradly on twitter or like the Facebook Page and share this on Facebook.
- Tweet the post in the format given below with the username.
Get Free Google plus, Google+ invites Giveaway – @iGradly #Giveaway
- After you done with the 2 steps , don’t forget to leave your comment on why you want to join Google plus along with your email address , so that i can send you the invite to Google plus.
Google+ was unveiled as the company’s answer to Facebook. It has features common to Facebook like news streams and photo albums, but also includes unique features such as Hangouts, which lets up to 10 people enter a simultaneous group video chat.
Originally, Google only let a small number of test users into its social network, however users who are on Google+ can invite others.
Update #1:
Google seems to be shutting down the chance for getting invites .. however until we find another back door or workaround to send invites or Google opens up the invitation again … sorry guys
Update #2:
There is a another workaround that may work for people. anybody try it please and let us know
- Update your Google Profile and Link Picasa to your profile. Your link should now work and allow you to jump right into Google+.
- From your Gmail page in the upper right hand corner there is a drop down box next to your name. Click the View Profile option there. From there you can choose to edit your profile. After your done editing your profile it should automatically ask you to link your Picasa to your google account. After you do that you should be able to use the invite that someone sent you.
Hopefully this will help people having the problem where you click the “Join Google +” and it re-directs you to the tour / try later page.
Update #3:
The invites are working now please check your emails and visit the links.
348 Responses to “Google+ Invites Giveaway: Get Google Plus Free Invites Now”
Hi, i would like to try new way how to get and share information with others. Please invite me to Google+
Hey Malchys hope u got my invite check ur mail 😉
thanks for the follow
I would love love love an invite. 🙂 !!
check ur email 🙂
I’m interested in the contrast between this and Facebook.
Interested in the contrast between this and Facebook.
Check ur email buddy 😉
no email yet …
Lol you mistyped ur email as, anyway, corrected so check now
thanks got it 🙂
pls remove this message containing my email address, I don’t want to be spammed 😀
Thanks 🙂
i just followed you. my tweeter is shaon1380. my email is …
check ur email 😉
I would like an invite because im a lover of the tech world. I enjoy being in the know.about exciting things that happen. Whether its a new iphone design or spy software put in smartphones. Etcc.
Im also.following u and retweeted.
check ur email mate 🙂
Hey,buddy!Could you please send me a Google Plus Invite?I just followed you on Twitter…Here’s my email address….
check ur email
Thanks a ton Gradly!!!!!!
Hey man…could you pleaSE send the Google+ invite…….thanks!
done check ur email
I have done those 2 steps and would love to have an invite. Thank you so much.
done check your email
Just got it now. You are so kind.
Hey man, Could you please send the Google + invite……..Somehow my previous post didnt get through………..i’ve followed u on twitter and tweeted the status…….thanks
already added. all comments are moderated
thank a lot Gradly!
Visit this link for your invitation..Its open again 🙂
hey pal i would much love to get one
done 🙂
gotta love this dude =]
Giving Away Free Google+ invites till it lasts..Look into ..
So people are finally getting hands on Google+. We got the chance to. So for the people who still didn’t get it. Comment … [trimmed, no publicity]
Go to to get ur google + invites
Hey Gradly, i would really like an invite to google+ as its time to move on from facebook! It’s getting old and stale!
Will 🙂
p.s i’ve liked you on fb 🙂
Invited .. check your email
Thank you 🙂 gonna have to wait till i get home because the ie at work is too old for google+ 🙁
Need an invite to help takedown Facebook
hey gradly! it would be much appreciated if u invited me to google +. i tried gmail as a beta for google. and would love to try out google + a new way of communication. and of course spread it to friends!
invited check email
Need an invite
I need a google+ invite.
just invited check your email
I really want google plus esp cause it’s easier to share videos and photos and im sick and tired of facebook failing me when i try to upload 😀
check your email
google invites seem to have opened again … [comment trimmed]
pls give one for my friend
Added go check ur email
It would make my day if you gave me a google+ invite. Been all over the net!
check ur email plz
Thank you very much!
Need an invite!
check email dude
i like the way the demo of google plus looks,i mean the way google color codes the whole thing is what attracts me.
invited 😉 check ur email
I would really enjoy an invite if you could 😀
enjoy 🙂
Invite me pleeeeeeaaaase!
invited 😉
I’m definitely interested in checking out Google+
check email
Id Like to be invited please send me GooglePlus Invite …
hi i would like an invite…
invited 🙂
the link in the email doesn’t working error 404
try again u r invited
I’d love to check out if this is the next big thing and would really appreciate an invite, thankyou. 😀
already done check ur email
send me an invite at …
I clicked on link u sent me….then it says I have not been invited
hey gradly! it would be much appreciated if u invited me to google +. I tried various google rollouts as a beta for google. and would love to try out google +
ur done
I would love to test the new services provided by Google. Thank you!
check email dude 🙂
Pls send me an invite too just added you
I sent u
I have followed almost every single google move since the 2000 and I would love to be a part of the google+ service. An invite would be greatly appreciated. Thanks – Anik.
dude check ur email
Hey, there was a problem with my anik360ster account and accepting the invite. Can you send one to there should be no problem with this one. Thanks – Anik.
Would love an invite. Am into all things Google.
me too 🙂 check ur email
Yo…you make me happe if i can get invites, because i love new ways to write with people 🙂
u can check ur email mate
Please send an invite. I know my email looks fake but trust me it’s real.
By the way, I love Google and would like to see if they can beat Facebook the way the beat everyone else.
I did
Thanks! Can’t wait until they enabled invites again!
I added u again try now
Yes. I got the email. It’s just I need to wait until they enable it for invited users. They shut it down because of server overload. Invited users should be able to access it sometime Today or Tomorrow. Thanks.
Actually I ran out of invites limit per user I’ll try with another email 🙂
Apparently invites r not working….they closed the link
I would definitively would like to try Google +. Facebook is great, but it is becoming too open. Like having all your friends in one room. If you speak everybody hears you. There is a reason we have groups of friends and family. I just would like something that doesn’t seem all over the place. Hope invites still out there. 🙂
check out ur email
would love to try google’s new social networking site
thank you
For all guys who received an email but couldn’t get it to work send me a comment so I can invite you again
May i have please an invitation? I want to switch to a new social network. Thanks
I added you please reply if it worked for you 🙂
Not working! 🙁
Commenting again. Thanks!
have it worked for you now?
I can’t find the link in the email. Sorry if I’m reading the wrong one.
not work here
404. That’s an error.
The requested URL was not found on this server. That’s all we know.
just wondering as im yet to get recieve an email..
thank you again 🙂
check ur spam
hmm.. nope nothing in my spam either
I added u 5 times dude
ahh kk no problem…
not letting me get on there, just a message about being at full capacity, ill just try it again later
Commenting again
I added both already check if that worked for u
It is giving me a 404 error.
Not getting an email. Checked everywhere.
Hey bud, I would love one
check ur email and tell us if worked
Excited about getting my hands on the new new! Everything I’ve seen looks wicked cool.
I added u check if that worked for u tell me here asap
I received the email that you added me, but it takes me to the google page that says they’ve exceeded their invites:
“Already invited? We’ve temporarily exceeded our capacity. Please try again soon.”
I’ll keep trying. Thanks, BJ