Google is rolling out its social network, Google+, to the masses, and as the service currently invite-only, we have a bunch of invites to give away.
How to get invited?
Important Note: Google seems to be shutting down the chance for getting invites .. however until we find another back door or workaround to send invites or Google opens up the invitation again … sorry guys
follow the easy simple steps below:
- Follow @iGradly on twitter or like the Facebook Page and share this on Facebook.
- Tweet the post in the format given below with the username.
Get Free Google plus, Google+ invites Giveaway – @iGradly #Giveaway
- After you done with the 2 steps , don’t forget to leave your comment on why you want to join Google plus along with your email address , so that i can send you the invite to Google plus.
Google+ was unveiled as the company’s answer to Facebook. It has features common to Facebook like news streams and photo albums, but also includes unique features such as Hangouts, which lets up to 10 people enter a simultaneous group video chat.
Originally, Google only let a small number of test users into its social network, however users who are on Google+ can invite others.
Update #1:
Google seems to be shutting down the chance for getting invites .. however until we find another back door or workaround to send invites or Google opens up the invitation again … sorry guys
Update #2:
There is a another workaround that may work for people. anybody try it please and let us know
- Update your Google Profile and Link Picasa to your profile. Your link should now work and allow you to jump right into Google+.
- From your Gmail page in the upper right hand corner there is a drop down box next to your name. Click the View Profile option there. From there you can choose to edit your profile. After your done editing your profile it should automatically ask you to link your Picasa to your google account. After you do that you should be able to use the invite that someone sent you.
Hopefully this will help people having the problem where you click the “Join Google +” and it re-directs you to the tour / try later page.
Update #3:
The invites are working now please check your emails and visit the links.
348 Responses to “Google+ Invites Giveaway: Get Google Plus Free Invites Now”
Please sign me up 🙂
followed the steps for joy
invited .. let me know if worked for u cuz some guys have problems
Nothing yet, but then patience is a virtue 🙂
sorry then Google shuts down the stuff appaerntly
sorry then Google shuts down the stuff apparently
Hello! I would love an invite! It looks so cool! Excited to try it out!
Didn’t receive an email.. I guess they shut it down.
Yes unfortunately
Invite please. I <3 google.
check ur email and tell us
I didn’t receive it – the email address is …
Google shut it down sorry man
done the above steps.. followed you on tweeter and post that msg.. I want to join google plus and support google for it..
invited .
done too
It is not working either for me.
Google shut down the 2nd chance for invites then .. sorry guys ..
Thanks for trying anyway 🙂
ur welcome … stay tuned we could get a workaround anyway
I’m stilll waiting for an invite.
Google shut down the invites sorry
Thank you. It’s the thought that counts.
where is the link?? i didnt get any email..
the service is no longer working . Google shut down the invites
I am always interested about new things. As for google, I would really like to test their facebook challenger. Being a tech guy this quite natural to be interested in new things. I have done all the things mentioned here (twitter+facebook+sharing+following).
I would love to get an invite.
Thanks in advance. 🙂
Google just shut down the invites .. no longer working.. sorry dude
Can you send me an invite when its up again?
Of course
yes just did
Didn’t work for me, i have this page:
Google+ is in limited Field Trial
Right now, we’re testing with a small number of people, but it won’t be long before the Google+ project is ready for everyone. Leave us your email address and we’ll make sure you’re the first to know when we’re ready to invite more people.
Keep Me Posted
Already invited? We’ve temporarily exceeded our capacity. Please try again soon.
yes. Google shut down the invites… hope we can get back soon
May I get one when invite is up and running again please. 🙂
Can you send me one when it’s back up too?
inshallah sure I will do for everyone of course
Done with the steps can you invite please?
Gradly try this workaraound from the Washington Post to sent the invites. and don’t forget to send me one thanks
Try this workaround from Washington Post:
Thanks man Ive been using this workaround the whole day 🙂
Followed the steps, sign me up! 😀
sure but when Google give back the access 🙁
Could you not try the work around way?
1)Add the person’s email to one of your circles
2) Share something with that circle, making sure you’ve checked the option to share via email to the person without Google+
3) That person receives an email with whatever you shared, and a big orange button prompting them to learn more about Google+
4) If they click it they will be prompted to join! ‘
Thank mate 🙂 but I was using this method the whole day so sure Google patched the bug apparently
Oh haha sound mate, be sure ti re-invite me once there is more invites allowed! 😀
I would like to try google+ please. Invite me if you still can
when it gets back
can i get an invite please?
when Google returns the invites back
thanks 🙂
Please invite me.
yes done
Please invite me, thx,
Once it is back up for invites, I would love one! 🙂
Always loathed every god damn one of these “social media” thingamabobs, but now when Google’s having a proper go at it? Let me in!
Did the steps as told, please invite me….thanks in advance…..
please invite me 😉
plz invite me
Followed the steps! Invite, please?
Send me an invite please. I’m a biggg google fan (And i’m so done with facebook)
u invited
Followed the steps! I want to try Google+ because it seems awesome, and I follow Google’s activities. Invite?
Email is my username, no caps,
Delete this please when you’re done!
Email is my username, no caps, at
Delete this please when you’re done!
Would you please invite me?
check ur email !
May i have an invite please. Wanted to spread the love of this new Google +
yes sure
hi….please send me google + invite to mw…when it is up….i m very much exciting to see google +
my mail id :
done already
plz send me also when started again
Hi. Please kindly invite me. Thanx in advance. Ali 🙂
I invite but do not know how to turn
I cannot reply to everyone but you all will be invited as soon as we find a solution or Google reopen the invites again inshallah 🙂
i have invite but i dont know hot to turn
If u received an email click on the link and sign up
no link or link’s
what do u have exactly?
If you received an email it must have a link inside
I would love an invite when it is possible again if possible. I love all of Google products! ty
I would love an invite when it is possible again if possible. Everything says its best app for android! can’t wait to get on phone. ty
Asalam U Alikum gradly….
Looking for a google+ invitation from you…
@gradly Seems that it works again.. kindly send me one 🙂 thanks
How did u know?
the email are going through again now but the link still takes you to the “exceeded limit” page
Try the Picasa workaround
Check steps in the post
invited finally 🙂
Please send invite
u r invited
I heard something about a Picasa workaround? Is that a new one or the older one?
Thanks I updated the post
Check my comment below as well
Guys there is Possible Fix for being unable to accept your invite:
Update your Google Profile and Link Picasa to your profile. Your link should now work and allow you to jump right into Google+.
From your Gmail page in the upper right hand corner there is a drop down box next to your name. Click the View Profile option there. From there you can choose to edit your profile. After your done editing your profile it should automatically ask you to link your Picasa to your google account. After you do that you should be able to use the invite that someone sent you.
Wondering if you might know how to Unlink it if we had picasa linked to profile before all this so we can relink and get invite? =)
I’d love one if possible:
chrismiliotti { at}
Hey! I followed the steps awhile ago, but never got an email. I would love to try this product, I try to get into a lot of google betas. My email is the same as my username, no caps, and of course at Thanks!
Hi guy, can you send me an invitation here :
Followed and tweeted.
In case it’s possible, please send one at:
sourabhshetty [at] gmail [dot] com
I did .. check out
I didn’t receive anything
Followed and tweeted.
you can check
Man its Google that shut down the invitation mechanism so eaither we find another glitch or Google reopen the invite again
plssssssssss 1 invite :p can’t wait any longer 🙂
Please send me a invite 🙂
ur email is already there, should not be shared with public
Followed and tweeted. Hope the invites work when Google open it up again.
Thanks either way.
I will add you now if that works tell me
Got an email through from Google+, sadly the ‘Join Google+’ button that is shown on the page just links to the main page that states its in limited field trial. But I would imagine that the join link will work once they open it up again.
Yes hope they re-open it soon
Hey, the Picasa work around has worked perfectly for me, now using Google+ without a problem. Thank you!
Cool can you put the steps to what you did exactly, so other people can do so?!
Hey, just tested what i did again and sadly it seems to no longer work. I’ll put here what i did though just encase anyone else manages to get it working.
1. You should have an email containing a link to something someone has shared with you on Google Plus. The email title will contain (Google+) in it, you must click the ‘View or comment on xxxxxx’s post.”, NOT the ‘Learn more about Google+’ button.
This email will contain a link to the Google+ page that someone has shared with you, and will have a red button on it that says ‘Join Google+’. DO NOT Click this yet.
You DO NOT need to download Picasa for this to work.
2. You will need to link your google account with Picasa, do this by going to and logging in with your gmail account.
Note: If you already have Picasa linked with your gmail account then skip this step.
3.If you are asked to create a Google profile then create one, enter you Name and add a photo (this will be your profile photo but can be changed later).
Once done click on ‘Create my Google profile’. If you are taken away from Picasa then complete any steps that appear and then return to Picasa in a new Tab or Window.
4. You will need to upload 1 photo so that Google+ has something to import from Picasa.
Note: This is different from your profile photo.
4.If you already have Picasa linked to your google account you may need to change the settings found under ‘Account settings’. It doesnt matter which Picasa settings you change, as long as the save changes takes affect.
Note: This may not need to be done, but it is something i did and it worked for me.
5. The link should now work.
Please note that i did this via my iPad the early hours of this morning and it worked. It’s possible that the steps above are still working on the mobile version of googles sites however my second test has not worked yet.
thanks for the thorough feedback
Plsss send out an invite.. Thanks!
I will add you too if that works tell me here