Google is rolling out its social network, Google+, to the masses, and as the service currently invite-only, we have a bunch of invites to give away.

How to get invited?

Important Note: Google seems to be shutting down the chance for getting invites .. however until we find another back door or workaround to send invites or Google opens up the invitation again … sorry guys

follow the easy simple steps below:

    1. Follow @iGradly on twitter or like the Facebook Page and share this on Facebook.
    2. Tweet the post in the format given below with the username.

Get Free Google plus, Google+ invites Giveaway – @iGradly #Giveaway

  1. After you done with the 2 steps , don’t forget to leave your comment on why you want to join Google plus along with your email address , so that i can send you the invite to Google plus.

Google+ was unveiled as the company’s answer to Facebook. It has features common to Facebook like news streams and photo albums, but also includes unique features such as Hangouts, which lets up to 10 people enter a simultaneous group video chat.

Originally, Google only let a small number of test users into its social network, however users who are on Google+ can invite others.

Update #1:

Google seems to be shutting down the chance for getting invites .. however until we find another back door or workaround to send invites or Google opens up the invitation again … sorry guys

Update #2:

There is a another workaround that may work for people. anybody try it please and let us know

  • Update your Google Profile and Link Picasa to your profile. Your link should now work and allow you to jump right into Google+.
  • From your Gmail page in the upper right hand corner there is a drop down box next to your name. Click the View Profile option there. From there you can choose to edit your profile. After your done editing your profile it should automatically ask you to link your Picasa to your google account. After you do that you should be able to use the invite that someone sent you.

Hopefully this will help people having the problem where you click the “Join Google +” and it re-directs you to the tour / try later page.

Update #3:

The invites are working now please check your emails and visit the links.

348 Responses to “Google+ Invites Giveaway: Get Google Plus Free Invites Now”

  1. Can I get an invite please? thanks

  2. Google+ sounds like it could be the next thing in social media. I’m in the Communication field and I’ve got to try this out and see if it is worth all the hype. An invite would be HUGELY appreciated.

  3. Tweeted

    I would love an invite, if you can. I stopped using Facebook because I didn’t like the privacy controls. Since Google+ is suppose to be better as far as that goes, I really want to try it out. 🙂

  4. please invite me.
    thanks 🙂

  5. Please could I get an invite, I would love to see what the hype is all about:) Thanks:)

  6. This method takes advantage of a hidden feature in the +Circles service, which allows invites to be sent to a list of email addresses of a user’s choosing. Pretty nifty, isn’t it? Here’s how to do it:

    1. Create a new circle named “invite” and add email addresses to it. Keep in mind that the people you’re adding must have GMail accounts.
    2. Create a post and assign it to the invite circle only. Be sure not to make it public to everyone, just members of the “invite” circle.

    If you try this and it works an invite would be appreciated kind sir.

  7. pls send me an invite to … would love to share if i get

  8. Would love a invite to google+ as facebook has become intolerable for me to use.

  9. I truly believe Google Plus will succeed facebook with its great features like Circles and Sparks and better privacy control. I love all Google products for the ideas behind. An invite would be appreciated.
    hkmcmch [at] gmail [dot] com

    followed and tweeted

  10. Please invite me
    many thanks.

  11. gustavo says:

    Hi i want an invitation to google+ and stop using fb thx

  12. Inivite please 🙂

  13. invite pleaseeeee

    thx 🙂

  14. Invite me 2 google + please

  15. Can some one invite me to google + please

  16. Google+ is accepting invites now please all those who have received my old invites to check it now

  17. its work! tnx

  18. can you send me an invite please? thanks

  19. could u send me one pls

  20. Looking forward to my invite, hurry, hurry ,hurry. Lol.

  21. Looking my invite. Hurry, hurry, hurry! Lol!

  22. Can you kindly send an invite?

    aahmad87 (@) gmail (dot) com

  23. Looking forward my invite.
    You are awesome

  24. Please spare me a Google 1+ Invitation:

  25. Hi.
    I followed the steps as probably a lot of other people. Having said that, I quite like your Facebook page!
    Nonetheless, I’d like to get an invite from you to G+ as I am very much in the social and internet marketing sphere and see this the opportunity to move away from a Monopoly that Facebook has created.

    Hope to get the invite.

    Thank you.
    Seb (

  26. Hey!
    I’m following you on twitter and I already posted your link too.. can you send me the google+ invitation, please?! Thanks!

  27. Thank you for inviting me!!

  28. hi i have tweeted and shard!
    pls invite me to google+ and diaspora

  29. Can i get an invite?

  30. please invite me too:
    thank you

    I am now experiencing google+.

  32. Would you kindly send me an invite?
    Google+ looks awesome!!!

  33. Please invite me. Thank you.

  34. kindly send me a Google+ invite. thx

  35. I hear great things about g+ but I am so frustrated because i can’t try it out. I would love an invite please send me one. Thanks.

  36. I would love to get an invite. Im getting tired of Facebook and can’t wait for G+. Thx in advance!

  37. Please send me an invite. Thanks in advance

  38. Thanks for the post. Can you please invite me 🙂 ..

  39. can i get an invite please

  40. For free google+ invites go to ….

  41. I have liked your page on facebook and posted it on my wall. Kindly send me the invite-

  42. please invite me google + invitation