Google is rolling out its social network, Google+, to the masses, and as the service currently invite-only, we have a bunch of invites to give away.

How to get invited?

Important Note: Google seems to be shutting down the chance for getting invites .. however until we find another back door or workaround to send invites or Google opens up the invitation again … sorry guys

follow the easy simple steps below:

    1. Follow @iGradly on twitter or like the Facebook Page and share this on Facebook.
    2. Tweet the post in the format given below with the username.

Get Free Google plus, Google+ invites Giveaway – @iGradly #Giveaway

  1. After you done with the 2 steps , don’t forget to leave your comment on why you want to join Google plus along with your email address , so that i can send you the invite to Google plus.

Google+ was unveiled as the company’s answer to Facebook. It has features common to Facebook like news streams and photo albums, but also includes unique features such as Hangouts, which lets up to 10 people enter a simultaneous group video chat.

Originally, Google only let a small number of test users into its social network, however users who are on Google+ can invite others.

Update #1:

Google seems to be shutting down the chance for getting invites .. however until we find another back door or workaround to send invites or Google opens up the invitation again … sorry guys

Update #2:

There is a another workaround that may work for people. anybody try it please and let us know

  • Update your Google Profile and Link Picasa to your profile. Your link should now work and allow you to jump right into Google+.
  • From your Gmail page in the upper right hand corner there is a drop down box next to your name. Click the View Profile option there. From there you can choose to edit your profile. After your done editing your profile it should automatically ask you to link your Picasa to your google account. After you do that you should be able to use the invite that someone sent you.

Hopefully this will help people having the problem where you click the “Join Google +” and it re-directs you to the tour / try later page.

Update #3:

The invites are working now please check your emails and visit the links.

348 Responses to “Google+ Invites Giveaway: Get Google Plus Free Invites Now”

  1. Google+ Invite me please

  2. invite please thanks very much =)

  3. hello wud luv an invite bored of facebook now a looking to the future in social networking plus wud be cool to be first of my mates to have an account cheers

  4. I want to feel like I am ‘in the loop’ because I love Twitter and I feel like I am missing out on a Google + invite as people I follow are already on Google +. I always am thirsty for knowledge and that is why I am a librarian but right now, the internet has created a decrease in fundings for libraries and I find myself dealing with a shortage of work

  5. Hello? Please I really want invite to Google+

    I have also mentioned this post in my blog as incentive for invite 🙂

    You MUST invite! Please 🙂

  6. Please invite me!!!!!

  7. Grayson says:

    Please invite me!

    Name: Kishan
    Gmail Address:
    Please send me Google+ invitation as soon as possible…

  9. Send me the invite please

    Why i want Google +? Because it’s “new” technology and i want to try it…

  10. I want to try it out, thanks…

  11. Hie m akash i like all google products n google plus too trin 2 get invite .invite me here’s my email

  12. google please and please invite me

  13. please invite me google

  14. i want an invite pleeeease!!!!! 😀

  15. i’d love an invite, i want in on google+

  16. Invite me please! 🙂

  17. i’d love to join this, someone please invite me 🙂

  18. i’ve been trying to get an invite for awhile now, can someone help me out??

  19. Can someone help me get an invite?

  20. invite me for google + plz

    thanks 🙂

  21. Hello there!

    Would be great if you send me an invite;

    My email:
    My twitter:!/XJZnl

    i really dont wanna make the step to facebook, i just wanna ignore it, because i waited for a google service like that, so now there is, hopefully i can enjoy this new tech very soon.


  22. Please invite me too.
    love u people love u Google invite me to Google plus

  23. can i get google plus invitation.
    thank you.

  24. If you have any left, an invite would be great. I’ve been trying to get one for quite some time without any success.

  25. invite me also……

  26. invite me plz

  27. ,,,,,,,,,please invite me

  28. If anyone needs invitation to g+, just use this link:

  29. plz invitation required

  30. Get invites here


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